Friday, 11 April 2008

First Soft Synth Released

Well thanks to a great little utility called knobman we have rapidly put together an improved skin for the CyberSpaceFX synth. We decided to release this one first as it is designed for a particular niche unlike the others which hold more generic instrument patches. This first synth is now available from our website and more will hopefully follow soon.

We may lose our cuurent website hosting during the next few months. It may be unavailable for brief periods over the next few months which is why we are looking into alternative hosting. If anyone out there has access to a Viglen MPC-L I'd be interested in hearing what you think of it. We are considering using one as our host server but I have not yet heard whether it is possible to install apache on the optimised version of Xubuntu which it comes pre-installed with. We are keen on green technologies and with a power consumption of only 5 watts we think this little gem could cost less to run per year than most hosting companies charge per month. Definitely a gadget for out wishlist.

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